April 01, 2011

The Aurora Borealis in Yellowknife

Went to Yellowknife for work recently. Typically I avoid the cold, but I had a great experience in the Great White North. I was even brave enough to take off my toque and balaclava for a photo. They went back on pretty fast after this though.

March 30, 2011


The divinity in me sees and recognizes the divinity in you ...

February 12, 2010

Vancouver's Inukshuk

As the 2010 Winter Olympics start today in Vancouver, I will be en route to India for a 5-week yoga training course.

I'm still thinking of you though ... Go Canada! :)
The ancient symbol of the Inuit culture is traditionally used as a landmark and navigational aid and also represents northern hospitality and friendship.

Constructed of grey granite by Alvin Kanak of Rankin Inlet, this monument was commissioned by The Government of Northwest Terrirories for its Pavilion at EXPO 86 and later given to the City of Vancouver.

January 25, 2010

Cross-Country Skiing in Finland

It was a beautiful morning after a big snowfall. The sky was a perfect blue, the snow was fresh, and so I went out to go cross-country skiing on my own for the first time. I had gone out a few times before, but never on fresh snow. I didn't realize how bad I was until I returned home to see train tracks left behind by someone else.

January 24, 2010

Bikini mural at Opera station in Cairo

For a country where most women wear a burqa, it was a little surprising to see a mural with a topless woman in a bikini bottom at a metro station in Cairo.